IAESTE A.s.b.l. Consent Form
I give permission to the International Association for the Exchange of Student for Technical Experience (IAESTE A.s.b.l.) to use my name and image/photograph/video in publications and advertisements produced by or for IAESTE A.s.b.l. This consent form refers to image/photograph/video taken during all official events I am registering for that are organised by IAESTE A.s.b.l..
I entrust IAESTE A.s.b.l. with choosing sensible and non-comprising images/photographs/videos.
I understand that these publications will also be placed on web sites managed by IAESTE A.s.b.l. for public relations and advertising purposes.
I also give permission for the IAESTE A.s.b.l. to use the above information relating to me in any future publications and websites produced by or for the IAESTE A.s.b.l. for public relations and advertising purposes.
I understand that:
The publication may appear on the Internet/World Wide Web (WWW);
The publication may appear in print, electronic, or video media;
The publication may enable readers to identify me.
That some events can be a hybrid event, with both virtual and physical participants, therefore all public sessions are streamed to all conference participants.
Important – please note:
I understand that if my personal information (contact details as given in the first line or image) is published on the Internet/WWW then it will be accessible to users from all over the world.
My information can also be searched for using an identifier such as my name, and may be copied and used by any other person using the Internet/WWW.
Most importantly, I understand that once my personal information has been published on the Internet/WWW, the IAESTE A.s.b.l. has no control over its subsequent use and disclosure.